Man filling out paperwork spread out across a wooden table

Stand Ready During National Preparedness Month

Yellow and green hard hats resting outside an orange steel building on a construction site
Simple considerations during National Preparedness Month can help protect workers and operations against the unexpected.

September is National Preparedness Month. Headed up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the annual event is an opportunity for companies and individuals everywhere to assess their existing situations, pinpoint areas for potential improvement and take steps to stand better prepared for whatever the future might hold. And, as we sit in the grip of hurricane season, there’s never been a better time to be prepared. Read on for helpful information you can use to ensure your crew and company are at the ready.

Prepare for: Accidents, Injuries and Illness
Concrete and construction work are inherently dangerous, but certain precautions can help keep your crew better protected on the job site. Take note of your crew’s PPE. Do you have enough hard hats and high-visibility apparel? What about proper eye and hand protection? If supplies are running low, it’s time to stock up. Take things a step further and consider training. Does your crew know how to spot signs of heat-related illness? Do team members know how to do their work in a way that keeps their muscles and joints safe? What about basic first aid? Your team’s regular toolbox talks can be a great place to bring up such topics, and to keep everyone on the same page.

Prepare for: All Sorts of Adverse Weather
With Mother Nature’s unpredictability, it’s best for crews in and around regularly affected areas to stand prepared during hurricane season. (Even during seasons that seem relatively tame.) Hurricanes aren’t the only threat, however. Conditions will soon turn wintry in many parts of the country, introducing unique dangers for outdoor work crews. Take measures to make sure your vehicles, equipment — and, most importantly, your people — are prepared to work safely.

Prepare for: The Coming Year
The current year is nearing its end. And, while that means you’ve put so much work behind you already, it also means a fresh new year is just around the corner. Now is the time to tie up loose ends such as outstanding payments both to and from your clients, catch up on back office work — and to ensure your documents are in proper order for tax season. It’s also a great time to work out your company’s maintenance schedules. With work such as concrete chipping due every three months, it’s easy to book an entire year’s worth of appointments at once. That way, those sessions are on your calendar and you’re guaranteed not to forget. (Your ready mix trucks and drums will thank you!)

We hope this helps get the wheels turning regarding National Preparedness Month. If you’re looking for more information, the website offers helpful tips businesses and families can both put to good use. The General Chipping team is always happy to help, too. Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!