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  • Protecting Concrete Construction During Hurricane Season

There are many considerations to take into account when preparing for hurricane season, including your concrete construction. Concrete buildings are designed to withstand hurricane-force winds, but is there anything else you could — or should — do to prepare your structures during storm season? Here are a few things to consider regarding concrete building maintenance before, during and after hurricane season.

Pre-Storm Prep
One of the biggest problems with concrete buildings that are exposed to extreme weather conditions is steel corrosion. Unprotected concrete can allow moisture to reach steel support beams. That leads to corrosion and, eventually, large structural cracks in the concrete. Regularly inspect the walls, foundation and roof for signs of cracking. Consider applying one of the many protective coatings on the market that are designed to safeguard concrete buildings from moisture damage.

Storm Check
If a hurricane or tropical storm does pass through, be sure to thoroughly check the building for any cracks or holes that point to scouring or water damage. Also look for signs of mold — a telltale sign that moisture has infiltrated and weakened the integrity of the concrete. If you see damage after flooding or a storm, enlist the help of a concrete repair specialist to evaluate the level of damage and the best repair option to protect, reinforce or replace steel support beams.

Check Local Codes
Perform regular maintenance checks, especially during hurricane season, so flooding or rain doesn’t turn a small problem into a major structural issue. When doing repairs, check local building codes to find out if there are concrete repair regulations you should follow. For example, some areas require concrete patching to be bricked in a certain way, or there may be specific concrete mix requirements. It’s also possible the steel reinforcement may need to be inspected during repairs.

If you’ll be doing any concrete repairs on your building this hurricane season, we’re here to help! At General Chipping, we’re experts in concrete chipping and equipment maintenance — and as a Houston-based company, we know a few things about hurricane season preparation.

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