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How Does General Chipping Put OSHA Safety Training to Work?

The General Chipping crew is dedicated to safe practices on the job site, and we rely on regular OSHA safety training to make it all possible. How exactly does OSHA training factor in to our day-to-day? In our minds, it’s all about translating rules and regulations into best practices we can put into action. Here are just a few of the ways OSHA safety training stands front and center at General Chipping.

OSHA safety training plays an important role in General Chipping's day-to-day operations.

Proper Safety Certification is Required to Work with Our Company
General Chipping takes pride in hiring the best concrete chipping pros out there, and many of our crew members have been in the business for five or more years. Throughout the hiring process, we ask for proof that an applicant has undergone proper OSHA safety training for the work that we do — and, if they haven’t, we get them trained. That training is part of their induction into our company. Once they’re full-fledged members of the General Chipping team, our workers are required to undergo ongoing training with everyone else, including the office staff. Those courses cover everything from fall prevention to OSHA-10 and safety while working in confined spaces.

We Host Regular Training Sessions with Our Safety Consultant
Oscar Zamarron joined our team as safety consultant back in 2016, bringing with him 17 years of safety experience. While Oscar regularly hosts training sessions with our crew where he covers rules and regulations, his hands-on lessons take that training to the next level. Oscar hosts sessions based on topics that could, quite literally, safe crew members’ lives, emphasizing everything from confined spaces concerns to first aid and CPR.

Our Team Members Hold Themselves — and Others — Accountable
At General Chipping, we stress to our crew members that safety is everyone’s job. If crew members witness others displaying unsafe concrete chipping practices such as getting to work without proper PPE, we encourage them to bring it to that team member’s attention in a diplomatic way. If that doesn’t work, we ask that they express their concerns to a manager, who can take it from there. It’s not about getting the other guy in trouble, but keeping everyone protected. After all, we’re all on the same team.

Curious about the other ways we work to keep things safe at General Chipping? Our Safety page is a great start. You can also check out our Resources page for other great information about our industry and concrete chipping as a whole.