Keeping You Ready to Roll in the Volunteer State.

Contact Us to Book Tennessee Concrete Chipping 


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A Brief Explainer: How Ready Mix Drum Chipping Helps

Why do you need concrete chipping, Tennessee? Because, without it, your cement mixing drums wind up bearing the weight of each and every concrete pour you take on. Allow us to explain. Your ready mix truck is a lot like a water bottle. Just as a few drops of water always remain inside the bottle when you attempt to finish it off, some concrete remains behind after every pour. No matter how hard you work to get each drop out, it’s simply impossible to get it all. With time, that left-behind concrete accumulates along your redi mix drum’s walls, adding weight, throwing off the drum’s balance and leading to other troubles, too. The end result? Slower rotations, halts and lags in production — and, at times, subpar concrete blends, too. The best way to ward off such issues is to book professional concrete chipping services every three months.

How Exactly Does Chipping Concrete Work?

Most concrete chipping appointments actually incorporate three separate practices. The goal is to keep not only your mixing drums, but the other tools you rely on for the work, too, working their very best. Companies like General Chipping provide concrete chipping for ready mix truck drums and central mixers — and cement storage silo cleaning, as well. Here’s what that work boils down to:

Layer 2

Concrete Chipping

Using handheld jackhammers, crews physically enter your ready-mix truck drums to remove hardened material that has dried along the walls. This improves your carrying capacity and helps ward off mechanical issues which can lead to costly slowdowns, repairs and replacements.

Layer 3

Central Mixer Cleaning

Similar to concrete chipping services, central mixer cleaning involves crew members reaching inside your team’s mixer to remove hardened material from drum walls. This results in a healthier mixer capable of holding more material than before.

icon structural damage

Silo Cleaning

Members of your chosen company’s silo cleaning crew are lowered down into your cement storage silos. Once inside, they remove clumps and clogs that slow the release of your cement — and can hold up your projects. Those clogs are ushered out the bottom of the silo. 
NOTE: Cement silo cleaning work is especially important in humid areas, such as Tennessee, since such conditions tend to lead to clumps and clogs.

Determining the Right Concrete Chipping Company for the Job 

Of course, every concrete chipping company goes about the work in its own ways. As with any service, it’s best to find a crew you feel you can trust with your valuable fleet and equipment. Here are some things to consider when it comes time to make that decision:

  • Work with a Concrete Chipping Company That’s Flexible: While every concrete chipping job has its similarities, no two are exactly alike. Make sure the concrete chippers you hire are willing to work with you. Does your plant’s proximity to residential areas mean work can only be carried out at specific times? Do noise ordinances come into play? Do scheduling concerns require you to book concrete chipping work outside of traditional hours? Be sure to make such issues known from the start, so your concrete chipping crew knows whether they can accommodate your needs. (Usually they will.) At General Chipping, for example, while most customers book appointments in 12-hour overnight shifts, off-hours work happens pretty frequently, as well. We’re happy to work around your schedule so you can continue business as usual.
  • Work with a Concrete Chipping Company Others Have Had Success With: Oftentimes one person’s experience with a company is indicative of what others have experienced, too. A bit of research into a company’s past projects can tell you a lot about how they regularly work. Talk with other folks in your field about companies they’ve hired. How was the experience? What would they change? Would they hire the company again? Take things a step further and dig into online reviews, or to ask your potential concrete chipping company for testimonials. A few extra minutes of “homework” can save you from headaches down the road. 
  • Work with a Concrete Chipping Company with its Licenses in Order: You might think that having one’s licenses and certifications as they should be is a given, but that isn’t always the case. In fact, there are a lot of people out there who don’t have any licenses at all. Why is that a problem? When an unlicensed individual damages your equipment during a concrete chipping appointment, you could be the one left paying costly replacement and repair bills. Before deciding whether or not to hire a potential company, ask for proof of their certifications — and inquire about any continuing education requirements they ask of their crew.

How Often Should You Book Concrete Chipping, Tennessee?

Depending on the concrete blends that come into play, the types of ready mix trucks that comprise your fleet and even how many concrete pours you carry out on the regular, exact timelines will vary. As a general rule, however, experts encourage companies to book concrete chipping services quarterly. It’s a good idea to go ahead and book cement silo cleaning services simultaneously, so you can get all of your maintenance taken care of at once.

Been a While Since You Booked Chipping?

General Chipping Can Help!