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  • Stop Searching for “How to Remove Hardened Concrete from Mixer”

If you’ve ever peered into a slow redi mix truck drum, contemplated the mess and then keyed “How to remove hardened concrete from mixer” into your smartphone, chances are multiple results popped up. From step-by-step instructions about chipping concrete out yourself to tips on using chemicals to keep buildup at bay, there is a lot of information out there. But, do you truly want to go the DIY route? At General Chipping, we are big believers that it pays to go with the pros. Why? We’re glad you asked.

General Chipping explains why, instead of Googling "how to remove hardened concrete from mixer," you should call a pro.

Safety is a key concern when it comes to truck chipping. Not only are you entering a tight space with limited ventilation, but you’re doing so with dangerous power tools and an extreme likelihood of flying debris. One wayward bit of concrete can lead to devastating injuries — or even death. A trained concrete chipper will know the right PPE (personal protective equipment) to have on the job, and should know the full ins and outs of both the equipment in use and the chipping process itself. While the work is still dangerous, the likelihood of injury is minimized.

Of course, there’s also the financial aspect to take into consideration. While professional concrete chipping services do cost money (the national average is about nine cents per pound of chipped concrete) the risk of damage to your expensive equipment is less than if you were to do the work yourself. After all, professional crews do this work each and every day, so they’re well versed in the process. Doing your own chipping work also requires purchasing pneumatic jackhammers and safety equipment to protect those going into the drums or servicing your central mixers.

Last but not least, there’s the time commitment. When your schedule is already packed with clients’ concrete projects, it can be difficult to find “down time” for your mixers. Professional crews regularly work overnight shifts, so your maintenance work is completed while your crews are at home and resting, and the drums are ready to go the next morning.

The next time you find yourself keying in “How to remove hardened concrete from mixer,” switch gears and search for a licensed concrete chipping company instead. Your equipment (and your bottom line) will thank you for it!

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